April 7 Assignment

Copy your Tuple and Pair classes from /csci102/labs/apr6 into csci102/hw/apr7.

Write a class named Point3D that models a point in 3D space.  The class should extend Tuple and implement the Comparable interface.

    • The compareTo method should return 1 if the distance between the instance on which compareTo is called and (0,0,0) is larger than the distance between the instance passed into the method and (0,0,0).
    • The compareTo method should return -1 if the distance between the instance on which compareTo is called and (0,0,0) is smaller than the distance between the instance passed into the method and (0,0,0).
    • The compareTo method should return 0 if the distance between the instance on which compareTo is called and (0,0,0) is equal to the distance between the instance passed into the method and (0,0,0).

Write a class named Driver that creates multiple instances of Point3D and tests the methods in the Point3D and Tuple classes.

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