The Box Model

Every HTML element, occupies a rectangular space (or box) in a web page.  This behavior is define by the CSS box model.  By default these rectangular boxes, can be nested, vertically stacked, horizontally adjacent, and as we’ll see later, layered over one another.

Take for example, the code below.

<div style="background-color: purple; color: white;">
    <p style="background-color: blue;">Blue <span style="background-color: red;">Red</span></p>
    <p style="background-color: green;">Green <span style="background-color: orange;">Orange</span></p>

This results in the following content.


Blue Red

Green Orange



As you can see, all of the elements (div, p, and span) are rendered as boxes. The block elements (div, p) have width that are the size of the viewport, whereas the inline elements (span) have widths the size of their content.

Box Properties

When a box is rendered, the browser must determine the size of the element’s box.  This size depends on the following element box properties:

  • margin
  • border (can be stylized)
  • padding
  • width and height of the element’s content


Each of these properties can be modified to change how the content is rendered.  By default the margin, border, and padding of an element are set to 0.

The margin Property

The margin of an element is the area between the outer border of the element and an adjacent element.  When two adjacent elements have their margins set, the distance between the two element’s borders is the largest margin value of the two, not the sum of the margin values as you might expect.  For example, below, are two span elements each with margins set to 10px.  The space between them is 10px, not the sum of 20px.

span with a 10px marginspan with a 10px margin


A margin can be allocated using the margin property as shown below.

/* Set the top, right, bottom, and left margin uniformly */
margin: 10px;

/* Set the top, right, bottom, and left margins separately */
margin: 0px 5px 0px 10px;

There are additional allowable values for the margin property and additional properties that allow you to set the size of the sides independently. See the documentation for details.

Note that changing the margin property of an inline element will change the position of the surrounding text but will not change the position of any surrounding block elements.  In the example, the margin of the span element is set to 500px.  The horizontal spacing of the span element is affected, but not the vertical spacing; that is, the positions of the divs are not affected by the margin value of the span element.


span with a 500px margin



The border Property

The border is the space between the inside of the margin and the outside of the padding.  When a border is allocated it is often rendered with a  predefined style and a color that is different than the background-color of the element.  The width, style, and color of the border can be defined with the border property as shown below.  Note: The border width can not be set to a percentage.

border: 1px;
border: 1px dashed;
border: 1px dashed gray;

There are additional properties that allow you to set the width of the border on each side independently. See the documentation for details.

Just like with the margin property, changing the border property of an inline element will change the position of the surrounding text but will not change the position of any surrounding block elements as shown below.


span with a 10px border



The padding Property

The padding is the area between the inside of the border and the outside of the content.  Padding can be allocated using the padding property as shown below.

/* Set the top, right, bottom, and left margin uniformly */ 
padding: 10px; 

/* Set the top, right, bottom, and left margins separately */ 
padding: 0px 5px 0px 10px;

There are additional allowable values for the padding property and additional properties that allow you to set the size of the sides independently. See the documentation for details.

Just like with the margin and border properties, changing the padding property of an inline element will change the position of the surrounding text but will not change the position of any surrounding block elements as shown below.


span with a 15px padding



The width and height Properties

By default, the width of a block element is set to the width of the viewport and the height is set to fit the content.  For inline elements, the width and height are set to fit the content.

We can modify the width and hight of the content area of a block element by using the width property and the height property respectively as shown below.  Note: the height property can not be set to a percentage and width and height properties have no effect on inline elements.

width: 100%;
height: 50px;

By default, the width and height of the content area is set independently of the padding and border spaces that are allocated (if any).  This often makes it difficult when using percentages to make a child element fit inside its parent element.  We can change the way the width and the height are calculated using the box-sizing property.  See the documentation for details.

There are additional properties that allow you to define the width and height of the content area.  See the width and height documentation for details.

The display Property

As you are aware, each element is, by default, either a block box element or an inline box element.  The display property allows you to change an element’s box type. There are numerous values for the display property, however, for now we only need be familiar with block, inline and inline-block.

  • Block elements are stacked one on top of another with a break before and after them. They can utilize all of the box model properties including width and height.
  • Inline elements do not have breaks before and after them, are arranged horizontally adjacent to one another, and if an inline element has content that cannot fit in the viewport, the element may break and continue on the next row of elements. They can utilize the margin, border, and padding properties but ignore the width and height properties.
  • Inline-block elements do not have breaks before or after them and are positioned adjacent to the element that proceeds them (like inline elements), but can also have their height and width properties set (like block elements).

Below is an example where two internal div elements (in pink) have display set to inline-block and their height properties set to 30px and 60px respectively.

This is an inline-block div with 30px height
This is an inline-block div with 60px height

Other Box Properties

Below are some other box properties that you might find useful.  The examples above use the background-color property to shade the border, padding, and content area of the boxes.  You can also display an image inside the a box using background-image and adjust the area that the image is displayed in using the background-clip property.

If you find that your text is flowing outside of the element’s box you can set the overflow property to scroll or hidden to avoid this.

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