Creating a Study Group

In this lesson we’ll create a model for study groups, create a router that facilitates the creation of study groups, and test the endpoint.  The code for this lesson will be written and discussed in class.


  • Create a Days of Week Module
  • Create a StudyGroup Model
  • Create a StudyGroup Router
  • Register the StudyGroup Router in app.js
  • Create a Postman Folder and Request
  • Test on LocalHost with Postman
  • Test on Azure with Postman


In your client, create a Button in your main page that directs the user to another page (or loads a modal).  Add appropriate html, css, and JS so that the other page (or modal) contains a working form that allows the user to create a study group.

Demos for this assignment will be in class on Friday, February 23.  All demonstrations must utilize clients hosted on Azure.


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