

The shell that is started by default on our host is called bash. When bash is run it displays a command prompt (a.k.a. system prompt or bash prompt) to the user.  This prompt often includes the name of the directory that the user is logged into followed by $.  When the command prompt appears on the screen, the user can enter commands after the prompt and press enter to have the shell execute the command.

Bash’s Hidden Files

If we run the following command we can see all of the files in the current directory including the hidden files.  A hidden file is a file whose name starts with a period.  If we run the command from our home directory we can see the three files: .bash_history, .bash_profile and .bashrc.

$ ls –al

Bash History

When at the command prompt, we can use the up arrow and down arrow keys to display on the command prompt previous commands that we’ve had the shell execute.    These previous commands are stored in .bash_history.

The up arrow and down arrow keys can help speed up the development process. Rather than having to retyping a compile command, for example, we can just use the up arrows to repeat the command to we entered earlier.

The .bashrc and .bash_profile Script Files

Both .bash_profile and .bashrc are script files that are editable by the user.  When we start a terminal application to gain access to a shell prompt, the terminal typically starts a non-login shell.  When starting a non-login shell the script file ~/.bashrc is executed.  When we SSH into a machine, a login shell is started and the scripts in .bash_profile and .bashrc are run.

Some useful things to add in these script files are definitions for environmental variables and aliases.

An environmental variable is a string that can be used to refer to another string (usually much longer) in a script or program.  For example, suppose I often change my current working directory to /home/eric/courses/csci105. I can add an environmental variable named INTRO to .bashrc and use it to refer the path.  In .bashrc  I would add the following.

export INTRO

In order to be able to use the new environmental variable we need to reload the .bashrc file.  To do this you need to either log out and back in or run the following command:  (dot space dot bashrc)

$ . .bashrc

Now when you want to go to your homework directory you can substitute the environmental variable for the homework path.

$ cd $INTRO

Aliases are used to define shortcuts to commands that are invoked repeatedly or are lengthy to type.  Suppose I would like to make it so that when I typed ls the shell executed ls -l.  I can do this by creating an alias for ls -l.

alias ls=’ls –l’

Don’t forget to reload the .bashrc file.  After it has been reloaded, when you type the command ls it will execute ls –l.

Linux and Vi commands

If you search the web for ‘linux cheat sheet‘ you find numerous one-page documents that list the most commonly used Linux commands.  I recommend that you print or bookmark one to help you learn them.

Navigating the File System

Some of the most common commands that we’ll use are for listing the files within a directory and moving around the file system.

  • ls
  • ls -l
  • ls -al
  • pwd
  • cd /
  • cd $HOME
  • cd ..
  • cd [dir] (absolute or relative path)

UNIX directory structure


Manipulating Directories and Files

  • mkdir [dir]
  • rmdir [dir]
  • mv [src] [dest]
  • touch [file]
  • cp [orig] [new]
  • cp -r [src_dir] [dest_dir]
  • rm [file]
  • rm -r [dir]    (BE CAREFUL!)
  • chmod [mode] [file]

Displaying File, Manual, Environment and System Information

  • cat [file]
  • man [command]
  • which [command]
  • whereis [command]
  • env
  • whoami
  • hostname
  • date
  • clear

Viewing and Killing Processes

  • ps
  • ps -ax
  • kill [pid]
  • kill -9 [pid]


  • [command] | [command]
  • cat filename | less

Vi – The Editor of Champions

  • Insert Mode (i)
    • arrow keys
    • delete
  • Command Mode (esc)
    • x – delete char
    • r [char] – replace char
    • dd – delete line
    • # dd – delete multiple lines
    • u – undo last command
    • yy – copy to clipboard
    • # yy – copy multiple lines
    • p – paste contents of clip board
    • $ – go to the end of a line
    • 0 – go to the beginning of a line
    • shift + G – go to the end of the file
    • shift + H – go to the beginning of the file
    • :# – goto line a particular line
    • :/search_term – search for a particular term
    • :%s/old/new/g – find and replace
    • :w – write the file
    • :q – quit vi
    • :q! – quit without writing
    • shift+z+z – write and quit
    • :set number – show line numbers
    • :set nonumber – hide line numbers

How to Transfer Files Between your Local Machine to Your Linux Instance

On a Windows machine:

  1. Download any jpg or gif image to your local machine and name the file background.jpg or background.gif depending on the file type.
  2. Download the Filezilla client.
  3. Select Edit -> Settings -> Connection -> SFTP.
    1. Press Add key file… button.
    2. Locate and select your .pem key file.
    3. Click OK in the bottom left pane.
  4. Select File->Site Manager
    1. Press New Site
    2. Add IP address to Host field.
    3. Set Port field to 22
    4. Set Protocol to SFTP: SSH File Transfer Protocol
    5. Set Logon Type to Normal
    6. Set User to ec2-user
    7. Clear Password field
    8. Select OK
  5. Below the File menu option select the arrow for Open Site Manager.
    1. Choose the Site you created in step 4.
  6. Once a connection is established you can drag and drop files from your local machine to the Linux instance and vice-versa.

On a Mac machine, don’t be a wimp and use Filezilla. Do the following:

  1. Download any jpg or gif image to your local machine and name the file background.jpg or background.gif depending on the file type.
  2. Open up the Terminal application.
  3. Identify the absolute path to your .pem key file.
  4. Change directory to the location of the image you downloaded.
  5. Type the following command:


where PATH_TO_KEY_FILE is the absolute path to your key file, XXX.pem is the name of your keyfile and YOUR_IP_ADDRESS is (wait for it) your IP address.

  1. Once logged into the remote machine with sftp, use the cd and ls commands to change the current working directory to where you want the uploaded file to be copied.
  2. Copy the file from your local machine to the current working directory of the remote machine using the following command:

put background.jpg

  1. You can quit out of sftp by using the quit command.

Managing Software on Your Amazon Linux Instance Using yum

Amazon Linux includes a program called yum which is used to maintain (add, remove, update) software packages on your instance.

Below are instructions for updating your system and for installing development tools that include the gcc compiler.

If you want to explore what else yum can do, below are links to the yum documentation.

Updating Your System

Login to your instance.

Change user to root.

$ sudo su

Check if there are updates that available.

$ yum check-update

Update the packages that have updates available.

$ yum update
Reboot the VM
$ shutdown -r now

Your ssh connection will be lost.  If you want to continue working on your server, wait 2 minutes or so, and then log back into your instance.

Installing Dev Tools

Install the Java compiler and development libraries.

$ yum install java-devel

Install all of the packages in the “Development Tools” group.  This includes various compilers.

$ yum groupinstall "Development Tools"