Lab 12 – Maze Game Base

Log into and change your working directory to your labs directory in your repository.  Inside the labs directory create a file named

The following program uses a 10×10 array of characters as a game field. The users current location in the game field is indicated by the ‘X’ character.  The program for this lab simply allows the user to move the ‘X’ character around the field.  When done you are encourage to expand upon this base program.

Inside the file write a program that satisfies the following:

    1. Add a method named initializePlayingField. The method has one parameter which holds a reference to a 2D array of characters.

The method sets the first element in the last row to ‘X’ and all other elements in the 2D array to the ‘=’ character.

    1. Add a method named printField.  The method has a single parameter that holds a reference to a 2D array of characters.  The method prints the elements in the 2D array to the screen, with each row on a separate line, and with the elements in a row separated by spaces.
    1. Add a method named isValidDirection.  The method has 3 parameters.  The first parameter is named row and holds an integer, the second is named col and holds an integer, and the third is named direction and holds a character.

The variables named row and col hold indices specifying the player’s current location in a (10 x 10) 2D array.  

The value in the variable named direction is ‘w’ (up), ‘a’ (left), ‘s’ (down) or ‘d’ (right) indicating where the player would like to move.  

If the location of the player’s next move in the array doesn’t take the player out of bounds return true; Otherwise return false.  For example, if the arguments are 0,0,’w’ then the user’s current location is (0,0) and ‘w’ (up) would take the user out of bounds, therefore the method returns false.

    1. Add a method named updateField. The method has four parameters. The first parameter is named matrix and holds a reference to a 2D array of characters, the second parameter is named row and holds an integer, the third parameter is named col and holds an integer, and the fourth parameter is named direction and holds a character.

The variables named row and col hold indices specifying the player’s current location in matrix.

The method moves the ‘X’ character in matrix in the direction specified in the variable named direction, replacing the ‘X’ character at the user’s current location with an ‘=’ character.

    1. In the main method do the following.
      • Declare the following variables.
      • int playerRow = 9;    // player's current row
        int playerCol = 0;    // player's current column
        char choice = '?';
        boolean isValid = false;
        String input = null;
      • Create a Scanner that can read data from the keyboard.
      • Declare a (10 x 10) 2D array of characters named field.
      • Initialize the 2D array by calling initializePlayingField.
      • Add a do-while loop that does the following while the value in the variable named choice is not ‘x’.
        • Print the game field by calling printField.
        • Ask the user to enter a direction: w (up), a (left), s (down), d (right) or x (to exit)
        • Read the user’s choice (as a String) from the keyboard and store the value in the variable named input.
        • If the length of the string entered by the user is 0, set isValid to false; Otherwise set choice equal to the first character in the string entered by the user and set isValid equal to the value returned by isValidDirection.
        • If the direction is valid, call updateField and update the values in playerRow and playerCol.
        • Reset the screen using the following code:

Compile and debug.

When done,  expand the program to include mines, walls, a score board, and other game elements.

Push to GitHub.

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