A6 ‣ Building Blocks

Create a directory named a6 in your repository for the files you create for this assignment.

  1. Create an entity named USPopulation that holds holds 4 constants named Y16, Y15, Y14, and Y13.  Each constant should have the value of the size of the US population for the respective year.  For example, Y16 should hold the value of the size of the US population for 2016.
  2. Create an entity named Birds that holds 3 types of birds: Blue Jay, Cardinal, and Hummingbird.
  3. Create an entity named Computer that models a computer and holds a computer’s speed (in Hz), motherboard model, motherboard manufacturer, manufacturer of RAM, model of RAM, size of RAM, primary hard drive manufacturer, primary hard drive model, and primary hard drive capacity.
  4. Create a class specification named Baby that requires a method named getName which returns a String, a method named getHeight that returns a double, and a method named getWeight that returns a double.
  5. Create an entity named SuperComputer that includes all of the data in the Computer entity as well as the number of FLOPS.
  6. Write a driver that tests each of these components.

When you have completed the assignment, push your files to GitHub.

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