A11 ‣ Lambda Expressions

Create a directory in your repository named a11 and include all of the files for this assignment in the a11 directory.

Create a class named Driver that includes the following interfaces:

interface MatrixGen {
    Integer[][] generate(int m, int n);

interface MatrixSet {
    Integer[][] set(int m, int n, String pattern);

interface MatrixClone {
    Integer[][] clone(Integer[][] matrix);

interface MatrixPrint {
    void print(Integer[][] matrix);

interface MatrixCompare {
    int compare(Integer[][] matrix1, Integer[][] matrix2);

In your driver class, create instances of the above interfaces using lambda expressions.  You are not allowed to use methods that have been deprecated in Java 9.

  • The generate method should create an m x n matrix of Integer objects, each with the value of 0.  We’ll assume n and m are non-negative integers.
  • The set method should create an m x n matrix of Integer objects with each object having the value of a digit (0-9) specified in the String pattern.    For example, if pattern is “000111000” the corresponding matrix would be


If the pattern contains non-digit characters the method should return a 0 x 0 Integer matrix.  If the length of the pattern is not equal to n x m, the method should return a 0 x 0 Integer matrix.  We’ll assume n and m are non-negative integers.

  • The clone method should return an exact copy of the matrix that is passed in as an argument.  If either dimension of argument is 0 then the method should return a 0 x 0 Integer matrix.
  • The print method should print the matrix to the console with each row on a separate line.
  • The compare method should return:
    • -1 if the sum of the Integers in m1 is less than the sum of the Integers in m2
    • 0 if the sum of the Integers in m1 is equal to the sum of the Integers in m2
    • 1 if the sum of the Integers in m1 is greater than the sum of the Integers in m2


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