Conditional Branching

Implementing Conditional Branches with Conditional Control

The General Form of If-Else Statement

In C

if (test-expr)

The assembly sometimes adheres to the following form.

        t = test-expr
        if (!t)
            goto false;
            goto done


long lt_cnt = 0;
long ge_cnt = 0;

long absdiff_se(long x, long y) {       //absdiff() with side effect
    long result;
    if (x < y) {
        result = y - x;
    else {
        result = x - y;
    return result;

Assembly XXX

long absdiff_se(long x, long y)

Note: x in %rdi, y in %rsi

    cmpq  %rsi,   %rdi         // compare x and y
    jge   .L2                  // If y >= x goto L2
    addq  $1, lt_cnt(%rip)     // lt_cnt++  - %rip is PC
                               // (p 705) lt_cnt is replaced by offset
                               // from global var to cur instr in %rip
    movq  %rsi,   %rax         // copy y into rax
    subq   %rdi,   %rax        // store y - x in rax
    ret                        // return with result in rax
    addq   $1,ge_cnt(%rip)     // ge_cnt++
    movq %rdi,   %rax          // copy x into rax
    subq %rsi,   %rax          // store x - y in rax
    ret                        // return with result in rax

Implementing Conditional Branches with Conditional Moves

The conventional way to handle conditonal operations is to transfer control under certain conditions.  An alternative is through a conditional transfer of data.

This strategy computes both outcomes of a conditional operation and then selects the one based on whether or not a condition holds.  This approach is only used in certain situations.

C code

long absdiff(long x, long y){
    long result;
    if (x < y)
        result = y - x;
        result = x - y;
    return result;

C code that mimics the assembly code generated from absdiff()

long cmovediff(long x, long y){
    long rval = y - x;
    long eval = x - y;
    long ntest = x >= y;
    /* The if-block below require a single instruction */
    if (ntest) 
        rval = eval;
    return rval;

Assembly code generated by GCC for absdiff(long x, long y)

Note: x in %rdi, y on %rsi

    movq    %rsi, %rax
    subq    %rdi, %rax     // rval = y -x
    movq    %rdi, %rdx
    subq    %rsi, %rdx     // eval = x - y
    cmpq    %rsi, %rdi     // compare y:x
    cmovge  %rdx, %rax     // if x >= y, rval = eval
    ret                    // return rval

Why do compiler use conditional move?

CPUs achieve high performance through pipelining where an instruction is processed through a series of stages

  1. fetch the instruction from memory
  2. update program counter
  3. determine the instruction type
  4. read data from memory
  5. perform arithmetic operation
  6. write to memory

High performance is achieved by overlapping the execution of multiple instructions.  This can only be done if the CPU can predict the next few instructions.

When the machine encounters a conditional jump it cannot determine with certainty which way the execution will go until it has evaluated the branch condition.

X86_64 Conditional Move Instructions

Instruction   Synonmy Move Condition Description
cmove S, R cmovz ZF Equal/zero
cmovne S,R cmovnz ~ZF Not equal/not zero
cmovs S,R SF Negative
cmovns S,R ~SF Nonnegative
  • Similar to SET and JUMP instructions
  • Instructions assume some previous instruction set the condition code flags.
  • S must be a memory address or a register
  • R must be a register
  • S and R may be 16, 32 or 64 bits long.
  • Single byte conditional moves are not supported

Not all conditional expressions can be compiled using conditional moves.  Take the absdiff_se() method.  If we evaluate both branches, both global variables will be incremented.  This would be an unintended side effect.

General form

v = test-expr ? then-expr : else-expr;

The standard way to evaluate

    if (!test-expr)
        goto false;
    v = then-expr
    goto done;
    v = else-expr;

Evaluate with conditional moves

v = then-expr;
ve = else-expr;
t = test-expr
if (!t) 
    v = ve;

Switch Statements

A switch statement provides a multi-way branching capability based on the value of an integer index.  

They are sometimes implemented using an array, referred to as a jumptable, where entry i is the address of code segment that should be executed when the switch index equals i.  The code performs an array reference into the jump table to determine the address to jump to.

Switch implementations are faster than a string of if-else blocks.

GCC determines whether or not to use a jumptable based on

  1. the number of cases
  2. the sparcity of the case values

In particular GCC will use a jumptable if there are 4 or more cases and a small range in values.

C Example

void switch_eg(long x, long n, long *dest){
    long val = x;

    switch (n) {
        case 100:                // index = (n - 100) = (100 - 100) = 0
            val *= 13;
        case 102:                // index = (n - 100) = (102 - 100) = 2
            val += 10;
        case 103:                // index = (n - 100) = (103 - 100) = 3
            val += 11;
        case 104:                // index = (n - 100) = (104 - 100) = 4
        case 106:                // index = (n - 100) = (106 - 100) = 6
            val *= val;
        default:                 // index ??
            val = 0;
    *dest = val;

Assembly Code

Note: x in %rdi, n in %rsi, dest in %rdx

    subq  $100,  %rsi             // compute index = (n - 100)
    cmpq  $6,    %rsi             // compare 6:index
    ja    .L8                     // if index above 6 (unsigned >)
    jmp   *.L4(,%rsi,8)           // * signifies indirect jump
                                  //  jump to *jg[index]
    leaq  (%rdi,%rdi,2), %rax     // load effective address
                                  // store in %rax = x + 2x = 3x
    leaq  (%rdi,%rax,4), %rdi     // val = x + (4*3x) = x + 12x = 13x
    jmp   .L2
    addq  $10, %rdi               // val = 10 + x
    addq  $11, %rdi               // val = val + 11
    jmp   .L2
    imulq %rdi, %rdi              // val = x * x
    jmp   .L2
.L8:                              // undefined case
    movl  $0, %edi                // val = 0;
    movq  %rdi, (%rdx)            //  *dest = val

The jumptable is indicated in the assembly code by the following declarations

.section  .rodata
.align 8
.quad      .L3      // index 0     case 100:
.quad      .L8      // index 1     case 101: - undefined case
.quad      .L5      // index 2     case 102:
.quad      .L6      // index 3     case 103:
.quad      .L7      // index 4     case 104:
.quad      .L8      // index 5     case 105: - undefined case
.quad      .L7      // index 6     case 106

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